

The template is used during the first step of the registration process (after the Service/Resource Provider Manager or the Service/Resource Manager logins as an Authenticated User),The Service/Resource Provider represents an organisation, a part of an organisation or a federation that manages and delivers Services and Resources to Users/Customers.


Διακριτή ονομασία Ετικέτα
catris:providerWebsite Provider Web Site
catris:providerClassification Provider Classification
catris:providerDescription Provider Description
catris:providerLogo Provider Logo
catris:providerMultimedia Provider Multimedia
catris:lifeCycleStatus Life Cycle Status
catris:locationInfo Location Info
catris:firstContact First Contact
catris:secondContact Second Contact
catris:hostingLegalEntity Hosting Legal Entity
catris:legalStatus Legal Status
catris:esfri ESFRI
catris:network Network
catris:areaOfActivity Area Of Activity
catris:societalGrandChallenge Societal Grand Challenge
catris:nationalRoadmaps National Roadmaps
catris:hasService Has Service